Assembled milking bucket Protek Euro aluminum
Purpose - Cows
stainless steel milking cups;
140 ml collector with aluminum base;
20 l aluminum bucket;
aluminum bucket lid;
paired milking system.
The bucket lid in the AID-1 Euro aluminum milking machine is aluminum, goes on 2 outputs, a paired pulsator is placed on the cover through a tee. One output is put on the cover, a paired pulsator is inserted on the side, and a vacuum hose is connected from above. A milk hose is put on the second output through an adapter. The bucket included is a standard aluminum 20 liter bucket. There are also wheels in the milking unit itself, thanks to which you can easily move the unit. The main advantage of this unit is that it is almost silent, the noise level does not exceed 40-45 dB.
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