Milking machine Protek AID-1 Two goats in 1 bucket
Package includes:
Milking cups made of polycarbonate with silicone rubber;
Standard silicone hoses, 2m each;
Aluminum bucket for 20l;
Aluminum bucket lid;
Synchronous milking system.
The main advantage of AID-1 two goats in 1 bucket is that such a device can milk 2 goats at a time, which means that up to 30 goats can be milked in an hour. Therefore, this device is perfect for a small farm of 30 goats. If necessary, a similar device can be ordered, but with two buckets, so that each goat is milked into a separate bucket, for this you need to contact our managers.
The AID-1 milking machine two goats in 1 bucket uses lightweight milking cups, this is done specifically to make it more comfortable for goats, because they do not like it when the udder is pulled too much, it hurts them and the milking process can be disrupted. Also in the milking cups of this device there is a special valve, which automatically closes when falling, thereby preventing debris and dirt from the floor from being sucked into the milk can.
The installation in the AID-y milking machine two goats in 1 bucket comes with an oil pump, and the engine power is 750 W, the pump consumes about 550 W, so the engine is installed with a margin. In order for the milking machine to serve you as long as possible, it is necessary to change the oil in the pump once or twice a month, you should not consider this a disadvantage of the oil pump, on the contrary, due to regular lubrication it will not overheat and the friction force will be less, respectively, and wear will be less. The service life of the oil pump is 9-10 years, this is 3 years more than the service life of a dry type pump.
Another of the main advantages of the milking machine Protek AID-1 two goats in 1 bucket is its noise level, which is quite low, thus pleasant and comfortable for goats and sheep, who simply cannot stand loud sounds. The noise level is 40-45 dB, for comparison, other milking machines produce more than 55 dB. Also, the milking machine has wheels, with the help of which you can easily transport the machine to the desired places.
Goats, sheep
Bucket material
Bucket, l
Material of glasses
Power, W
Productivity, hour
up to 20 goats or sheep
Country of origin
Voltage, V
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